In the Healing Ourselves Workshop you will receive an understanding of the six Aspects that incorporate who you are, the Mental, the Emotional, the Spirit, the Physical, the Soul and the Higher Self. These Aspects reflect the traumatic experiences that you have carried with you through each lifetime and influence how you experience your life today. Everything that you have ever experienced in any embodiment is held within you now in your Aspects and travels with you from lifetime to lifetime.
An important focus of this three-day Workshop is unifying the six Aspects of self. Each of these Aspects has a different perspective and you will learn how to communicate with them and to speak their words. In group and individual practices you may discover hidden feelings and attitudes that will amaze you. These Aspects that make up you simply need to be heard to allow for Forgiveness and Healing to occur and their energetic burdens to be released. This will open a Doorway creating more space for you to truly embrace Love in every aspect of your life.
This intimate relationship created between the various Aspects of your Being facilitate a deeper “awareness” of your True Self thus allowing you to take a leap in consciousness to experience a brand “new” you.
This deeper “awareness” will greatly assist you to take full responsibility of ALL that you are and give you the opportunity to Heal the traumas held in your Aspects. By embracing these past traumas fully and without resistance, they will naturally surrender into Love. This will allow you to experience a greater expression of Who You Truly Are and assist you in living life to its fullest!
The various Aspects that
incorporate Who You Are...
Spirit Body
Spirit Body represents who you are today and is an intricate part in your Healing Journey. It includes the Personality Self and the Lightbody, your closest connection to Source.
Soul is the Being who oversees each expression, a feminine aspect of the Heavens. She holds the focus for your Divine Blueprint, the plan for reaching your Highest Potential. Understanding the Soul Body can greatly assist you on your “Quest for Wholeness”.
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Higher Self
Higher Self, a Seraphim-rank Angel, is responsible for holding the focus for twelve Souls at one time and is the governing body for each Soul.
Mental Body
Mental Body is the aspect of your Being that keeps you thinking. It is reflected in your mind and can be quite an asset or detriment in your Healing process, depending on its experiences, as he has been around from the beginning.
Emotional Body
Emotional Body carries every possible feeling and emotion from every embodiment in your Being. Every incident that in any way left her traumatized in the past, affects your ability to respond in different situations, causing you to react in predictable ways whenever a similar scenario arises.
Physical Body
Traumas are stored in the Physical Body from every embodiment and they can manifest as disease and discomfort in your body in this lifetime. Learn how to interact with and Heal these physical imbalances and to experience a new sense of Health and Well-being. Through both Group and Individual Processes you can release the limitations experienced in the Physical Body.
Integrating the Spirit Body
The Spirit Body represents who you are today and is an intricate part in your Healing Journey. It includes the Personality Self and the Lightbody, your closest connection to Source. You will receive a deeper understanding of this fascinating aspect of yourself and will have the opportunity to have personal interactions in the Group processes.
With the unification of all six Aspects, you become a shining Six Pointed Star, illumined for all to see your radiant light. This will enable you to accept life just as it, see the Divine Perfection in every form of creation, and experience a depth of Love that embraces ALL LIFE everywhere.
This is the Key to achieving your Absolute Freedom!
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