The "Family of Light" is an umbrella term that refers to all aspects of Creation, who are committed to be in service with the "Light and Love" of the Heavens. It includes the entire spectrum of the Angelic realms, the Ascended Masters, Spirit Bodies who reside in the Heavens. It refers to all species everywhere in Creation who serve the Light, including all of us who have chosen to be a part of "The Light Team".
We look to them for guidance in the work that we are presenting, with several of us having the capacity to channel their words with enough clarity to allow them to speak directly through us. This is something they do on a regular basis, offering their perspective on a myriad of topics, which we will be sharing, from time to time via this website as well as in our Workshops.

We are eternally grateful for their input, as it is reassuring to have the "Best of the Best" on line, so to speak and I, Cassandra, work directly with Archangel Metatron who has guided me throughout my introduction to this new body of Work, as I was willing to wholeheartedly embrace this powerful information.
Though much of it was already familiar to me, there were a few "new slants" that resonated with my entire Beingness. I am celebrating our partnership and I am ready to share it with all who have a desire to be free of all that has burdened them, from the beginning!
We are very precious to the Family of Light for they look to us to resolve an ancient dilemma, one such dilemma that has taken billions of years to undo. They are most appreciative of all that is being accomplished, especially each and every time any of us "chooses Love" with every human playing their Divine role as this Journey unfolds in Absolute Perfection!